HOW WE WORK WITH: Trustees and Guardians

We work with both professional and individual fiduciaries who are managing supplemental needs trusts and guardianship accounts for individuals with disabilities. Many individuals with disabilities are unable to advocate for themselves, and in some cases they lack family and other informal supports to advocate for them. As a result, trustees and guardians are often unsure of how to utilize trust and
guardianship funds to enhance the quality of the lives of the individuals they serve, and they are unaware of those services which should be available through private and government funded programs. Both situations represent potential liability for a trustee or guardian.
Staff at Adirondack Case Management & Advocacy LLC: Provides assessments and evaluations to help fiduciaries identify areas of need
Reviews service plans to determine if the beneficiary is receiving an appropriate level of support from various government programs
Works to increase services that can and should be provided through government programs
Assists trustees and guardians in determining how best to utilize private dollars to supplement care